Our Ideology
Interlocking Values and Actions Create a Strong Chain in the Movement Toward True Diversity

AAP Advisory is a Business Unit of Bashen CorporationAAP Advisory is Bashen Corporation’s (“Bashen”) business unit for AAP consulting service delivery. Since 1994, Bashen has advised its clients regarding AAP best practices and Strategic EEO/AAP Initiatives. AAP Advisory’s goal is to provide the best solutions for developing a consistent and compliant Affirmative Action Plan ("AAP").

AAP Advisory is appointed to efficiently deliver AAP compliance administration. Through its continuing strategic planning efforts, AAP Advisory has created a cohesive organizational structure that maintains peak efficiency and effectiveness of its operations. The AAP Advisory Team comprises experienced lawyers, human resources professionals and analysts from a wide variety of professional backgrounds, including law firms, corporations and government agencies. Consultants generally have advanced degrees, such as law degrees or MBAs and PHR and SPHR certifications. The AAP Advisory Team is versed in EEO/AAP compliance practices.

Bashen provides our customers superior AAPs and services. These goals are met through discipline, problem solving, professional excellence and customer service. We are driven to design AAP technology that will streamline process steps and we remain current on the pertinent evolving laws and regulations. Success is measured by client satisfaction. Building on a highly successful process model, the AAP Advisory team’s consultants will prepare compliant AAP.


  • Excellent, reliable customer service
  • An experienced, stable, diverse AAPAdvisory Team
  • AAPLink, a patent pending, web based technological application
  • Continual compliance monitoring, quality control and corrective strategies
  • AAPAdvisory + AAPLink = THE Affirmative Action Consulting and Tech Solution.

    AAP Preparation Software Solution
    How to get started... Planning Timelines to Implementation

    AAPLink Software

    AAPLink is a Software as a Service (“SaaS”), an automated, web-based application that makes the AAP development and administration process possible while you are connected to the AAP Advisory Team.

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    Monitor your organization's Affirmative Action Plan


    Explore how equal employment opportunity and affirmative action go hand in hand. Only when EEO and AAP unite can an organization capitalize on the benefits of a diverse workforce!

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    Diversity Recruitment Initiative
    Mixing up your Applicant Pool


    We will assist you in recruiting and retaining a diversified workforce. The AAP Advisory team has created a cohesive organizational structure that maintains peak efficiency and effectiveness of its operations.

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    AAP Advisory is Bashen’s business process model for Affirmative Action service delivery offering expert advice to clients regarding AA best practices and Strategic EEO Initiatives.


    At AAP Advisory, our goal is to help our clients truly understand how to make diversity work for their organization. We offer fully customizable programs to fit any organization’s needs.


    AAP Advisory is appointed to efficiently deliver AAP compliance administration. Our goals are met through discipline, problem solving, professional excellence and customer service.